Save Kentucky Library Funding

Governor Bevin proposed to cut all library funding in Kentucky. Send an email to tell him you do not support these cuts.

Save Kentucky Library Funding

Governor Bevin proposed to cut all library funding in Kentucky. Send an email to tell him you do not support these cuts.

Kentucky Governor, Matt Bevin continues his assault on the basic liberties of his constituents by proposing budget cuts to local libraries all across the state. Bevin, who has been likened to Donald Trump, is seeking to cut all direct, local and non-construction aid from all local libraries in his state. A move that would surely spell the end for a large number of local libraries across the bluegrass state. That’s why we’re asking you to take action today by sending an email to your representatives in Frankfort.

Just $5-10 a month ensures that we can continue our work

This affront to the basic American ideology of education for all will prove disastrous for local libraries across Kentucky. In the counties of Ballard, Carlisle, Hickman and Elliot, local libraries collect 90% of their funding from the state. Under the budget proposed by Bevin, they would almost certainly be forced to close their doors for good. The disappearance of local libraries across America is a frightening pattern that has emerged in our new era of partisan spending and cut backs on programs that do not serve a distinct political purpose.

We at EveryLibrary believe in an America that provides learning opportunities for all children and adults that live in our great nation. An assault on one library is an assault on all of them and we will not stand for it. Join is in making a pledge to support Kentucky libraries and ensuring that Bevin cannot move forward with his asinine budget.

We are asking you to contact your local representative today and tell them you are against any budget that cuts funding for one of the most important services a state can provide to its citizenry. Along with local library funding, this proposed budget would endanger the BookMobile program that has serviced Kentucky communities for over 130 years.

The message we are proposing is simple and should be universally supported by our elected leaders.

“We do not support your efforts to curb the educational and economic growth of our children. By cutting state funding to our local libraries, you are stripping our children of their access to books and resources that enable them to grow as influential and worldly citizens. Perhaps most importantly, by limiting their access to knowledge, you are setting them up for a lifetime of economic toil and difficulty.”

By donating, you can help us fight this legislation and ensure that no child grows up without a book in their hand or library in their community.