Don't Cut Connecticut Library Funding

The Connecticut Library Association (CLA) needs your help TODAY to save critical library resources and avert drastic and unwise short-term cuts that would make long-term problems worse for the people who need their libraries the most.

Don't Cut Connecticut Library Funding

The Connecticut Library Association (CLA) needs your help TODAY to save critical library resources and avert drastic and unwise short-term cuts that would make long-term problems worse for the people who need their libraries the most.

The Connecticut Library Association (CLA) needs your help TODAY to save critical library resources and avert drastic short-term cuts that would create long-term problems for the people who need their libraries the most. Can you help them reach the state House and Senate to avert this crisis NOW?

On June 26, Governor Malloy published his EXECUTIVE ORDER RESOURCE ALLOCATION PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2018. Under this plan, the Connecticut State Library would see an 18% cut to an already bare bones budget. State funding is eliminated for the Connecticut Library Consortium (CLC). The budgets for researchIT and materials for the State Library's law collection are cut in half. Because the Connecticut state legislature failed to act on July 1st, this Plan is now in effect. It will remain in effect until the Governor and the General Assembly adopts and the Governor signs either an interim or a biennium budget.

If these cuts become permanent in the next state budget, CLC would be crippled, Connecticut’s federal LSTA funds would be in jeopardy, and drastic cuts in statewide electronic resources would negatively impact every library and every person in Connecticut.

Just $5-10 a month ensures that we can continue to fight for libraries

Connecticut’s public, school and academic libraries, as well as the general public would lose free online access to national newspapers, the historical Hartford Courant, hundreds of business journals and informational resources, nursing journals and other important online resources. The $1.7 million in State funding for the statewide digital library results in a $33 million cost avoidance for the State's towns, schools and colleges and universities.

The State Library serves as the Connecticut's principal law library. The proposed cuts to the Library's budget for legal books, online legal resources, and legal journals would quickly render the Library's resources obsolete. The general public, state agencies, and attorneys would have to turn elsewhere for current, reliable legal resources. Further, the State Library estimates that Connecticut would lose $598,569 in federal funds for library services if the cuts in the Executive Order budget stand.

The House Democrats put forward a two year budget plan that would preserve funding for library programs at 2016 levels. They intend to vote on that plan on July 18. The Senate has not announced any dates yet to vote on this proposal, or any other proposal.

Please act now to tell your state Representative and state Senator that these cuts should not become permanent. Use the Petition on this page to make your voice heard for Connecticut libraries!

EveryLibrary is proud to support CLA and to work with their Advocacy Committee to help share this message across Connecticut.