Don't Defund the Twin Lakes Library System

The Twin Lakes Library System needs your support

Don't Defund the Twin Lakes Library System

The Twin Lakes Library System needs your support

The Baldwin County commissioners recently proposed an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) to continue previous funding levels for the Twin Lakes Library System through December 31, 2020, unless a new agreement for shared services (SDS) is reached between the City of Milledgeville and Baldwin County. This IGA must be signed by all parties involved by July 31, 2019 in order to prevent a loss of state grant money and crucial library services.  Please join the Friends of the Mary Vinson Memorial Library in standing up for our library system by:

  • Signing this petition
  • Personally writing or calling the County Commissioners and City Council members today.
  • Attending the Milledgeville City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 6:30 pm at City Hall.
  • Bringing a poster or sign clearly demanding the city sign the IGA by July 31.
  • Speaking to council members at the end of the meeting to encourage ratification of the IGA.
  • Handwriting a letter your city and county representative to support full funding of the library system by the City of Milledgeville and Baldwin County.

Every $10 we raise helps us reach over 1,000 more Americans with petitions like this.

Libraries matter more, not less, in a digital age. Terrific public libraries play a more connected role in our communities today than in the past. We rely on libraries more than ever for a wider array of services. The availability of books and other materials in a wide range of formats, for anyone, whether they can pay or not, is an essential public service. The availability of safe public spaces is an essential resource in our democracy. Libraries preserve our historical, scientific and cultural record through their collections. They help people find jobs, gain new skills, and get ahead in life.