Book Buddy Program
The Book Buddy Program is a new outreach program from the New Castle County Library System.
The Book Buddy Program is an outreach program of the New Castle County Libraries.
The service is designed to provide access to library materials for the homebound and their caregivers who are unable to get to the library or to those living in assisted living communities in New Castle County. Book Buddy volunteers deliver library materials to those enrolled in the program on a regular basis. There is no fee for this service.
The main eligibility requirement for receiving this service is a long-term inability to get to the library. In addition to this basic requirement, all those enrolled in the Book Buddy Program must have a library card issued by New Castle County Libraries. If the individual does not already have a card at the time of his/her enrollment, one will be issued.
Our objective is to make the material in our collections accessible to Book Buddy patrons. Book Buddy patrons may borrow books, audio books, music CDs, magazines, and DVDs. For those people with a vision impairment, the library offers large-print books, audio books, and CDs. Additional services are available through Delaware Library Access Services at 800-282-8676.
An application can be obtained at your County library, by contacting our Book Buddy Coordinator at 302-395-5656, or by downloading the forms below. Return the application to your county library, and the Book Buddy Coordinator will contact you.