Libraries Ready to Serve Everyone in Delaware
With an additional $5 more in state aid per resident, Delaware Libraries can expand physical collections, digital & instructional resources, and partnerships, as well as staffing & operating costs.
Our libraries connect the public to the information, technology, health and social services they need. In addition to the technology available in Delaware Libraries, patrons can check out Chromebooks, Wi-Fi Hotspots, and 2.6 million physical & electronic items. Delaware Libraries are piloting Telehealth and TeleService booths & spaces. Patrons can reserve a private booth or space to conduct a job interview, talk to a therapist and more! The spaces come equipped with tablets and video-conferencing software for Telehealth, legal support and employment assistance.
In 2023, one of the three key legislative priorities for Delaware Libraries is to secure an additional $5 million in State Standards Funds from the legislature to support the expansion of physical collections, digital and instructional resources, partnerships, library staffing, and operating costs. This new funding will help our libraries catch up after COVID and equalize service across all three counties. The state has a long-standing commitment to supplement local funding for libraries. Without the State Standard Funds keeping pace with needs, our communities will start to fall behind.
You can be a part of helping to ensure that this new state funding flows to where it is needed. Please join the Delaware Libraries community in sending a message to the legislature today. We are excited to continue providing great books, ebooks, and audiobooks for families while supporting innovative programs like telehealth, social workers in the library, veterans service, and jobs skill classes. Libraries are a smart way to put public funds to work for maximum impact.