Send an Email to Ask the House Of Representatives to Pass the Museum and Library Services Act
We can't abandon our museums and libraries! Sign the petition: Send an Email to Ask the House Of Representatives to Pass the Museum and Library Services Act
Send an Email to Ask the House Of Representatives to Pass the Museum and Library Services Act
We can't abandon our museums and libraries! Sign the petition: Send an Email to Ask the House Of Representatives to Pass the Museum and Library Services Act
****UPDATE**** (12/20/2018)
People like you helped libraries secure a big win last night!
Help us continue to win in 2019 by starting a $1 a month donation and we'll send you an "I Love My Library" sticker so you can show off your support for your local library!
This critical bill for libraries and museums is stalled in the Lame Duck Congress. We need to tell Congress to get back to work.
*** UPDATE ***
This critical bill for libraries and museums is on the House calendar today (12/19/2018). Please use this form to tell your Representative to Pass MLSA. The Museum and Library Services Act of 2018 (MLSA) is the foundation upon which all federal support for libraries, archives, and museums stands.
It is a must-pass for libraries, archives, and museums across the country. Please contact your Representative now and tell them to Pass MLSA. It reauthorizes IMLS, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, which is our national support system for libraries and museums. It creates the federal funding framework for the educational, cultural, historical, and community development missions that our libraries and museums provide. Tribal libraries, state libraries, and museums of all kinds are sustained by reauthorizing MLSA.
MLSA (S. 3530) is on the schedule for the House of Representatives today. The Senate passed this non-controversial reauthorization unanimously last week. It’s time for the House to act. Please send an email now asking your Representative to pass the Museum and Library Services Act of 2018 today.
The Museum and Library Services Act of 2018 is stalled in the House of Representatives. The Act is the foundation upon which all federal support for libraries, archives, and museums stands. It authorizes the Institute of Museum and Library Services, our national support system for the cultural, educational, historical, and community development mission that these institutions provide. It is critical that the Museum and Library Services Act be reauthorized. But Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McCarthy are blocking it from even reaching the floor of the House in this Lame Duck session.
Every $10 we raise helps us put this petition in front of 1,000 more Americans!
The Senate passed this non-controversial re-authorization unanimously last week. We cannot understand why the bill is being blocked now. Please email your member of the House of Representatives today to put pressure on the Speaker and Majority Leader and bring this bill to the floor.