Library campaign attacked with illegal and misleading tactics.

In some areas of the country the opposition to library funding is so fierce that they either resort to illegal tactics or flat our lie about the library tax in order to win.

In some areas of the country the opposition to library funding is so fierce that they either resort to illegal tactics or flat our lie about the library tax in order to win. In the case of Christian County Missouri, the opposition did both. In fact, it was so egregious, that the local news station picked it up and did a story on the disgusting tactics of the opposition. That's why I'm asking you today to help us fight back with small donation to help us reach the citizens who received this false information and give them the real facts.

A donation of $5-25 will help us fight back

Many residents of Nixa Missouri are reportedly finding flyers in their mailboxes that give false and misleading information about a ballot initiative that will bring libraries within 5 miles of 80% of county residents and that the children in the community so desperately need in order to get ahead. Placing flyers in any mailbox is extremely illegal and can carry a fine of up to $5,000 for individuals or up to $10,000 for organizations. The only way anyone should get a campaign piece in their mailbox from library campaign (or even opposition groups) is if it was mailed. Meaning that postage has been paid and the piece is in your mailbox legally by a postal worker.

If someone is already resorting to illegal and unethical activities, something like the truth isn't going to get in their way. The percentages and numbers cited on this slip of propaganda are simply incorrect. Truly, somebody who put this together needs to spend a little more time in a public library. The fact is that the current levy that supports the Christian County Library is 8.87 cent per $100 assessed value which means that it is a rate of .0887%, not 8.87%. The real fact is that the Christian County Library is asking voters to return the levy to the rate that was originally set in 1971, which is 20 cents per $100 assessed value or .2%. Not 20%.

Just $5-10 a month ensures that we can fight against these illegal tactics in the future.

We are working with the local group of concerned citizens who make up the ballot committee in Christian County to fight against these illegal and devious tactics. But, this is also the kind of thing that we see happen when we are fighting for libraries across the country. When there is opposition to the education and economic opportunities brought by libraries and it is so extreme that they resort to illegal tactics to spread false information, we need to fight back. We need your help to educate voting Americans in Christian County about the truth of this high campaign and about the high value and return on investment brought by libraries. Please help us fight back with a donation today.

Patrick "PC" Sweeney
Political Director

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