SB195 Passes - New Info Literacy Standards with School Librarians
We are glad to bring you some good news today about Delaware school libraries. SB195, the Media Literacy bill establishing statewide standards in Delaware schools, has passed the Assembly and is waiting for the Governor’s signature!
We truly appreciate Sen. Sarah McBride’s leadership in introducing this bill and her collaboration with the Delaware Library Association to include school librarians and the Delaware State Library in the final version of the legislation.
Media and information literacy are core competencies of school library programs, and we know that the legislation's goals are enhanced with school librarians at the table. SB 195 is an investment by Delaware in the future of media literacy education. Media and information literacy skills are needed to prepare students to make informed civic decisions. As SB 195 moves into action, Delaware students will be equipped with the skills and tools to understand and interact with a busy media landscape.
Hundreds of Delawareans took action to support the bill and help ensure that school librarians set the standards required in the legislation. As DLA says in its statement, "Providing media literacy education empowers students to think critically about media messaging and to make informed civic and economic decisions... In addition to the critical role they play in developing a child’s traditional literacy skills, our school librarians are able to advance media and information literacy education. We know that the legislation’s goals are enhanced with school librarians at the table."
We want to thank people all across Delaware for signing the petition and making their voices heard for Delaware students and school librarians. If every student can learn the skills they need to navigate the media and information landscape, it will help ensure that every Delawarean is prepared for their career and life after school.