Save the Menominee County Library in Michigan
Menominee County Commissioners there have proposed cutting the library’s budget by $25,000 next year. This came quite suddenly and isn't a necessary or needed cut! Sign the petition today. Help Save the Menominee (MI) County Library.
Save the Menominee County Library
Menominee County Commissioners there have proposed cutting the library’s budget by $25,000 next year. This came quite suddenly and isn't a necessary or needed cut! Sign the petition today. Help Save the Menominee (MI) County Library.
We were distressed to hear from the Menominee County Library Friends group that the County Commissioners there have proposed cutting the library’s budget by $25,000 next year. This came quite suddenly and out of the blue. The County Commissioners had already asked the Menominee County Library to make a 5% cut to the FY2020 budget. The library board and staff were working on making those cuts hurt as little as possible. At the most recent meeting of the Finance Committee, Commissioner David Prestin declared that no one uses libraries anymore and that it should be cut.
A donation of $25-50 funds our political actions for libraries
His evidence for this is entirely based on personal observations. “I can’t find anyone who goes to the library to check out books,“ Commissioner Prestin said. According to the Eagle Herald newspaper, he believes that any information someone wants is just right on their phone. He went on to say that “I personally haven’t checked out a book in over 25 years.”
The Friends of the Menominee County Library know that the opposite is true. Here at EveryLibrary, we are standing with them as they campaign against this $25,000 budget cut. As one of the Friends board said: “It will hurt the people we care all about and diminish this place we call home.'' Please take a minute and send an email here to the County Commissioners that you agree with the Friends and want to preserve the budget and Save the Library.
The county’s contribution to its library is $275,000 dollars annually. This $25,000 budget cut is unfair and only affects the library, not other parts of county government. If the budget cut stands there will be significant reductions in how the librarians can serve their rural community. The library board voted on September 3rd that if the cuts go through they will be forced to close at least one day of service each week in both locations, skip some regular bookmobile stops, cut hours for 3 part-time staff, and institute unpaid furloughs for the 3 full-time staff. Taken together, this will affect students after school and on the weekends, seniors throughout the week, and local businesses as fewer people make the library a nearby destination.
We need your help to reverse these cuts before they become permanent. Can you help Save the Library? Please send an email to the County Commission today telling them how you feel.
Just one dollar per month ensures that we can continue our work!
If you start a monthly donation today, we'll send you an "I Love My Library" sticker in the mail.
It’s important to say that not every member of the County Commission is in favor of the cuts. Commissioner Hafeman, Gromala, Lang, and Schei are on record wanting to preserve the library’s budget. It’s critical that Commissioner Johnson, Phelps, Cech, and Piche hear from you today. They have joined Mr. Prestin in voting against the library and for these cuts. If they don’t hear from you today, they have no reason to change their vote and support the library.
None of this is necessary. Please help stop these cuts by contacting your County Commissioners today! We have made it easy for you to sign the Friends of the Menominee County Library petition. If you believe that the library should continue to serve its community without these cuts, please take the next step and sign the petition today.
Thank You!