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Governor Carney Announces $40 Million in ARPA Funds for Delaware Library Constrution

We are thrilled to share the news from Gov. Carney today that the state is dedicating $40 million in ARPA funding to accelerate the construction of nine new or remodeled libraries across Delaware!

DLA Endorses SB195 Media Literacy Standards for K-12 Schools

The Delaware Library Association has voted to endorse SB 195, a bill to create a new Media Literacy Standard in public schools.

Digital Literacy for Every Delawarean

Delaware Libraries have launched a new tool that specifically targets digital literacy. Northstar Digital Literacy is an online training tool that was launched in August 2021 and provides basic computer skills training and digital literacy tips. 


Delaware Libraries are Entrepreneurship Engines

Delaware libraries offer a wide range of resources, tools, and training for entrepreneurs across the state. Many of the resources help small businesses remain competitive with larger companies who have their own librarians, sophisticated market datasets, and employ dedicated research staff. With a Delaware Library Card you can access many of the same resources as Fortune 500 companies!

Announcing #GetALibraryCardDE!

In Delaware, only 52% of children read at grade level by third grade; that number drops to 37% in 17 low income zip codes, including Wilmington, Dover and Western/Central Sussex County.

Get a Delaware Library Card Today!

When you sign up online you gain access right away to all eMedia! Download eBooks, read eMagazines, use online resources for FREE! Then, contact your public library to transfer your online account to a full account.

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